We're going live, it'll be fine (possibly)

Live Lounge guitar

Until now our Thursday night Facebook shows have been pre-recorded. Mostly filmed the day before as live without edits and then uploaded Facebook and Youtube in time for the watch party (back shows are here). We'd then get a drink and some nibbles and watch the videos back with anyone else who cared to join in the watch party. It's been good fun and folks from all over have been posting comments and asking for requests and then in some cases starting their own conversations and becoming acquainted with each other.

As nice as that has been, it's not the same as doing it live. The reason we've resisted going live so far has been down to the technology. We'd had a couple of trial runs, but the sound and the picture quality were quite poor. However, after much research, and a few tutorials (thank you YouTube) we've made significant improvements are now going live. 

Please join us, it's the same time as always 8:15pm UK time. Live From the Lounge. What could possible go wrong???