
We were both surprised and delighted to receive a message this week that contained a link to Mike Wistow's Folking.com review of Live from the Lounge.

Well we didn't think we'd still be doing our #LivefromtheLounge weekly live streams forty four weeks after we started, but to be fair who on earth saw this sh*t storm coming.

In the grand scheme of things, we've nothing to complain about, both ourselves and our families are all okay, which is a lot better than many.

We'll keep going with the streams for the time being, we've no plans to go anywhere and it's great to have a virtual get together with folks every week.

We had no idea it would go on so long that it would need its own webpage, but here it is.

All of the videos from our Live From the Lounge live-streams along with the song lists and song writers.

Until now our Thursday night Facebook shows have been pre-recorded. Mostly filmed the day before as live without edits and then uploaded Facebook and Youtube in time for the watch party (back shows are here). We'd then get a drink and some nibbles and watch the videos back with anyone else who cared to join in the watch party.

Hello folks. Hope you are keeping happy and well in these strange times that we are living in.

As with thousands of others all over the world, we've seen our work for most of the year ahead disappear almost overnight. However this isn't a gripe about that - we've concentrated on the things we can do, rather than those we can't.

This is the third of our lockdown home video gigs and it's the first set of our own songs that people have requested via Facebook/Twitter etc.

Keep Well. Dave & Kip

You can view the video via this link here or from our video page

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